I Will Wait For You

My heart sing glory, glory hallelujah to the one who gave me life.

“I wait for You and my soul finds rest In my selfishness, You show me grace. I worship You and my heart cries Glory Hallelujah Father You’re here” (Aaron Shust).

God, thank You for been here. Thank You for been the author and perfecter of my faith. Thank you for dwelling in unapproachable light. Lord, from the depth of my heart my soul cry out in worship and praise of your holy name. Thank You for always captivating my heart. I praise you that I can freely worship you, I praise you that my identity if found in you and you alone. Thank you for an unbelievable new year. Lord, by your grace, i will wait for You in everything with expectation. I will forver wait for you oh Lord, for you alone are the desires of my heart. Your will be done in my life this year, in the name of your son Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.